Terms and Conditions for Walking Football League

These Terms and Conditions constitute a formal agreement between Walking Football League Limited (WFL) and the participating team members, team managers, and team players in all league and/or cup competition. All participants agree to abide by this agreement outlined below.

• Terms and Conditions: These are the rules and conditions governing the agreement between WFL and the participating teams and individuals (hereinafter referred to as "T&Cs").

• Walking Football League Limited : This is the official entity organising the league and/or cup competition (hereinafter referred to as "WFL").

• Teams: This refers to the groups of individuals making up the team, including team members, managers, and players, who participate in a league and/or cup competition organised by WFL(hereinafter referred to as 'Teams').

• Competition: The term "Competition" refers to a league and/or a cup competition organised by WFL (hereinafter referred to as "Competition").

• Rules: The term 'Rules' refers to the regulations governing the conduct of participant Teams, the administration of matches, playing rules, fines, and any other provisions about the organisation and operation of the day-to-day Competition.

• Statutory Rights: These terms and conditions do not alter the statutory rights of the participating Teams.

Here are some important points:

• Upon making their initial payment to join WFL, Teams establish a contractual agreement with WFL, which is governed by our T&Cs and the Rules of the Competition.

• Teams are committed to participating in WFL for the entirety of a season (refer to section 1.3 for details).

• Teams share full responsibility for all team's payments, match fees, fines, and any resulting debts (see section 1.5 for details).

• Additional charges will apply to Teams forfeiting or cancelling a match (see section 2.6 for details).

1 Conditions of Participation

When teams join WFL by making their initial payment, they enter into a contract with WFL, subject to our T&Cs and the Competition's Rules.

All Teams must abide by the Competition's Rules.

Teams agree to participate in and pay for the entire season, the duration of which depends on the number of teams in the Competition. WFL reserves the right to adjust the length of a season partway through, as required by the Competition.

Towards the conclusion of each season, teams will receive communication prompting confirmation of their participation in the upcoming season. By confirming their intent to participate, teams implicitly agree to abide by the T&Cs outlined herein for the subsequent season.

Teams are responsible for paying their team's match fees, fines, and for settling any outstanding team's debts.

Team managers must be at least 18 years of age.

WFL reserves the unequivocal right to decline entry or revoke participation privileges for Teams or individual players found violating these T&Cs or the playing Rules, or engaging in any form of misconduct. This includes misconduct exhibited by the team's supporters or associates. Such actions uphold the integrity and fair play within our Competition.

2 Ongoing Fees and Payment

Teams are responsible for paying all their team's match fees, fines, and settling any outstanding debts.

Teams must settle all their fees prior to the start of any league season.

Failing to pay the full match fee before the season will result in WFL withholding your team's participation. Furthermore, the match\es may be awarded to the opposing team. In such cases, the defaulting team will also be responsible for covering their opponent's match fee and any incurred lost pitch costs.

Failure to pay the match fee may also result in Teams being removed from our Competition.

Teams forfeiting or canceling a match or failing to turn up will be charged their match fees, opposing team's match fees, opposition lost pitch costs, and fined.

WFL reserves the right to withhold any trophies or medals from teams owing monies.

3 Leaving and Fee Settlement

In adherence to the integrity of the competition, teams are only permitted to withdraw at the end of the season after fulfilling all their matches. This policy ensures the completion of fixtures for each season, maintaining fairness and consistency in the competition.

All team members who were registered at the time of the team's withdrawal, and participated during the season in question, are jointly responsible for all outstanding payments.

Teams will be contacted toward the end of each season to confirm their participation in the subsequent season. By providing this confirmation, Teams acknowledges and agrees to remain bound by our T&Cs.

Upon concluding all their season matches, teams choosing to withdraw from the Competition are required to formally notify WFL. Upon receipt of this notification, any remaining deposit balance will be promptly refunded to the team manager within seven days via bank transfer.

Teams that decide to withdraw from the Competition before the season's completion, will forfeit their deposit and any credit balance, and be responsible for paying the full season's fees. This includes any relevant forfeit fines or match fees for both played and unplayed matches.

In the event of a team's removal from a WFL Competition due to violent conduct, they will forfeit their deposit and any credit balance. Furthermore, they will be responsible for paying the full season's fees, including any applicable forfeit fines or match fees for both played and unplayed matches.

In the event of a Teams' withdrawal from a WFL Competition, whether before or after playing all their matches, with outstanding financial obligations, all associated team members will be suspended from participating in WFL Competition permanently until the full outstanding balance is settled. Moreover, WFL retains the right to disclose comprehensive contact details, including addresses, emails, phone numbers, date of birth, and photographic identification (selfies), of all Teams, including managers and players, to a professional debt collection agency to pursue and recover owed amounts. It is important to note that the debt collection agency may levy additional charges. By entering the Competition and registering on our website, Teams members give consent to pass their details to debt collectors if they have outstanding debts.
Legal Disclaimer: The collection process will adhere to all relevant privacy laws and regulations applicable in England, UK.
Notification Process: We will contact all Teams via email and WhatsApp to provide them with opportunities for dispute resolution.

4 Health and Safety

The team recognises that all matches entail contact sports, inherently carrying a level of risk for its participating players.

If through any affiliation with the FA, WFL will provide essential basic coverage for all participants. Our Personal Accident Insurance, ensures protection for all players in the event of injuries during matches, while our Public Liability Insurance safeguards teams against property damage or injury claims. These essential coverages are offered at no cost, ensuring the safety and well-being of all involved. Additionally, teams may purchase higher levels of coverage to meet their specific needs. Contact us for more information to take advantage of this opportunity to tailor your insurance plan and secure higher coverage.

WFL strongly advises all team members and match officials to utilise only safe venues. However, it's important to note that WFL does not have exclusive control over these venues. Therefore, it cannot regulate the admission of individuals to the venues or oversee their management and safety before each team's match.

The team managers are responsible for ensuring that they refrain from commencing their match until they are thoroughly convinced of the safety of the playing surface and other related conditions.

The team managers must promptly notify WFL of any observed hazards, instances of violence (or threats thereof), or any form of misconduct without delay.

In upholding our dedication to fostering a respectful and inclusive atmosphere, WFL maintains a strict policy against smoking, consuming alcohol, urinating in public areas, and engaging in anti-social behaviour at all midweek venues. It is imperative to emphasise that these actions are strictly prohibited. Offending Teams will be fined and may be removed from our midweek Competition.

5 Liability and Breach

WFL shall provide its services with reasonable skill and care and to a reasonable standard.

If WFL breaches this agreement and such breach is remediable, WFL will exert reasonable efforts to find a mutually acceptable solution to rectify the situation, in collaboration with the team.

Except in respect of death or personal injury caused by WFL’s negligence, WFL shall not be liable to the team by reason of any condition or other term, or duty at common law, or under the express terms of this agreement, for any loss of profit or any indirect, special or consequential loss, damage, costs, expenses or other claims (whether caused by the negligence of WFL, its employees or agents or otherwise) suffered by the team which arise out of or in connection with the provision of WFL’s services.

Except in respect of death or personal injury caused by WFL’s negligence, the entire liability of WFL shall not exceed 1% of the total amount paid by the team to WFL pursuant to the competition in respect of which WFL committed a breach or tort.

6 General

WFL may subcontract the performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement to any person without notice. Where WFL does subcontract its obligation under this agreement it shall not be responsible for every act or omission of the sub-contractor. This includes the use of FA match officials.

This Agreement shall not be assignable by the team without WFL’s prior written consent. WFL may assign this Agreement to any person or entity.

WFL shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by delay in the performance or non-performance of any of its obligations where the same is occasioned by any cause whatsoever that is beyond its reasonable control including but not limited to an Act of God, war, civil disturbance, un-preventable flood, failure or neglect on the part of any utility supplying electricity, gas or water, the unavailability of or the prevention of access to premises, governmental regulations, prohibitions or enactments of any kind, strike, lock-out or trade dispute (whether involving its own employees or those or any other person), difficulties in obtaining staff or materials, breakdown of machinery, fire or accident or loss of premises. Should any such event occur WFL may cancel or suspend the Agreement without incurring any liability for any loss or damages thereby occasioned.

This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Laws of England and Wales. Each party irrevocably agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in England.

7 Website Terms Acceptance By accessing the content of our website, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out herein and you accept our privacy policy available at Privacy Policy. If you object to any of the terms and conditions set out in this agreement you should not use any of the products or services on the website and leave immediately.
You agree that you shall not use the website for illegal purposes, and will respect all applicable laws and regulations. You agree not to use the website in a way that may impair the performance, corrupt the content or otherwise reduce the overall functionality of the website. You also agree not to compromise the security of the website or attempt to gain access to secured areas or sensitive information.
You agree to be fully responsible for any claim, expense, liability, losses, costs including legal fees incurred by us arising from any infringement of the terms and conditions set out in this agreement.

8 Modification WFL reserve the right to change any part of this agreement without notice and your use of the website will be deemed as acceptance of this agreement. We advise users to regularly check the Terms and Conditions of this agreement.
WFL have complete discretion to modify or remove any part of this site without warning or liability arising from such action.

9 Limitation of Liability WFL will under no circumstance be liable for indirect, special, or consequential damages including any loss of business, revenue, profits, or data in relation to your use of the website.
Nothing within this Agreement will operate to exclude any liability for death or personal injury arising as result of the negligence of WFL, its employees or agents.

10 Copyright All intellectual property of WFL such as trademarks, trade names, patents, registered designs and any other automatic intellectual property rights derived from the aesthetics or functionality of the website remain the property of WFL.
By using the website you agree to respect the intellectual property rights of WFL and will refrain from copying, downloading, transmitting, reproducing, printing, or exploiting for commercial purpose any material contained within the website.

11 Disclaimers The information is provided on the understanding that the website is not engaged in rendering advice and should not be wholly relied upon when making any related decision.
The information contained with the website is provided on an “as is” basis with no warranties expressed or otherwise implied relating to the accuracy, fitness for purpose, compatibility or security of any components of the website. We hope you find the contents of this website interesting and informative, the contents are for general information only. We believe the contents to be true and accurate as at the date of writing but can give no assurances or warranty regarding the accuracy, currency or applicability of any of the contents in relation to specific situations and particular circumstances. As such, the contents should not be relied upon and professional advice should be taken in specific cases. In addition, none of the content of this website will form any part of any contract between us or constitutes an offer by us. Specific disclaimers may apply in addition to certain content or parts of the site.
We do not guarantee uninterrupted availability of our website and cannot provide any representation that using the website will be error free.

12 Third Parties The website may contain hyperlinks to websites operated by other parties. We do not control such websites and we take no responsibility for, and will not incur any liability in respect of, their content. Our inclusion of hyperlinks to such websites does not imply any endorsement of views, statements or information contained in such websites.

13 Severance If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck out and the remaining provisions shall remain in force.

14 Covid19 By agreeing to our terms and conditions, you and your group agree to abide by Government and FA guidelines outlining social distancing and group training sessions, in addition to our normal terms and conditions. These guidelines can be found here: England Coronavirus Guidelines and The FA Guidelines.